Benjamin Franklin lived 250 years before X-rays were first used, but his saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” has no better application than radiation therapy. The same process prescribed by so many doctors to fight cancer can also cause cancer, for just as it can shrink and slow the growth of cancerous cells, it can create them. To get a better grasp of what radiation therapy is, its common side effects, and what you can do to help minimize the negative impact it can have on your body and quality of life, read on:
What is Radiation Therapy?
Radiation therapy involves the use of high energy beams, usually X-rays, that originate from a machine outside your body and are aimed at precise points to destroy the cancerous cells inside malignant tumors. Radiation is administered in different amounts and frequencies depending on the size and placement of cancer within the body. Unlike chemotherapy, which is administered through the entire body, radiation therapy is focused on one area of the body.
However, just because radiation can be focused on the part of the body with cancer and works to kill those cells, doesn’t mean healthy cells won’t be affected. It’s a risk-reward situation; the reward is the eradication of cancerous cells, while the risk is the possibility of healthy cells being harmed. So, a delicate balance must be struck by doctors when using this method–a balance between just enough radiation to administer to kill the bad cells, while not enough to damage the healthy ones. .
What are the side effects of radiation therapy?
There are short-term side effects of radiation therapy and long-term side effects. In the short-term, fatigue, nausea, hair loss and skin issues are commonly experienced. But long-term, depending on the amount and frequency of radiation, along with a persons’ genetics, radiation therapy can also lead to lung and heart issues, infertility, memory loss and many more conditions. Because healthy cells can be damaged during radiation therapy, it’s important that you have a plan in place to keep your body as healthy as possible both when undergoing treatment, and once it is completed.
How can you combat the effects of radiation?
Here are some proactive steps you can take to ameliorate the effects of radiation therapy.
- Eat plenty of greens and foods with flavonoids in them. The more you incorporate natural antioxidant foods into your diet, the better! Think bright fruits, dark vegetables and nuts, such as berries, spinach, kale and pecans.
- Boost your thyroid. The thyroid plays a crucial role in the cleansing process, and with radiation absorbed by your body it needs help clearing it out. Potassium iodine works with the body to keep your thyroid healthy. It can be taken in tablet form or through incorporating it into your diet in foods such as seaweed, fresh tuna, and eggs.
- Exercise and enjoy the air. If you want to get toxins such as radiation out of your body, you need to sweat, take deep breaths, and work to unclog your pores and allow the elements to leave your body.
- Find an antioxidant supplement. Folium pX is made of natural ingredients and when taken three times a day, it can remove the toxic build-up that occurs in the lungs and around the heart. It naturally removes the free radicals that can cause cancers and other life-threatening diseases and pushes them out through the body’s natural process of detoxification.
No one wants to endure radiation therapy; but sometimes there is no choice. But just know that there are steps you can take before, during and after the therapy that can make you feel not as drained—and can build up your immune system to protect yourself in the future.
Once you have gone through your cancer treatment, whether it is radiation or chemotherapy, continue to follow your healthy eating habits and use Folium pX to prevent the disease from returning. When you practice the methods above, you’ll notice your quality of life gradually starting to improve, and you’ll finally feel like yourself again.